t means while the rest of the EU, which is much more tied to traditional fuels, has a pay cap of around €90 (£76.56) per megawatt-hour, Spain and Port
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Read MoreOur planet is facing a triple crisis of climate, nature, and pollution, with one common cause: the fossil-fuel economy. Oil, gas, and coal are at the
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Read MoreΑθήνα, 27.05.2022 – "Climate change and market instability are the two main parameters in recent years for the global energy market," highlighted
Read MoreΈνα από τα σημαίνοντα στελέχη της παγκόσμιας ενεργειακής αγοράς εξηγεί πώς προέκυψε η τέλεια ενεργειακή καταιγίδα - Τι λέει για τις άστοχες πολιτι
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