Total denied Brazil off shore drilling licences in Amazon Reef

Total SA was denied per- mission to drill fi ve deep- water blocks in the Ama- zon Reef off Brazil’s coast over biodiversity concerns. The Brazilian Environment Agency, known as Ibama, said on Friday that oil exploration in the area could threaten sea life in case of a spill. Plus, documents presented during the fi ve- year assessment failed to ensure an adequate emergency plan would be in place, the agency said. The denial comes three weeks before President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro – who has strongly criticised Ibama’s environmental licensing and promised more resource explo- ration in the Amazon – takes office on January 1. Total won the licences during Brazil’s 11th oil round in 2013 in partnerships with BP Plc and state-controlled Petroleo Bra- sileiro SA.

The company will an- alyse documents sent by Ibama and decide on the next steps, ac- cording to an e-mailed response to questions. “Ibama did the right thing in denying Total its licence to drill,” said Thiago Almeida, a climate and energy campaigner for Greenpeace Brazil. “More than 2mn Amazon Reef defend- ers from all around the world stood up against Total’s reck- less plans to drill for oil near this unique and biologically signifi – cant area.”