Europe Awakens for LNG to Rival China as Own Gas Runs Out

Europe is starting to steal some of the limelight from China’s booming liquefied natural gas demand as imports pick up after several lackluster years.

Europe and China will be comparable in significance as importing regions in the coming years, Cheniere Energy Inc. said, citing data from Wood Mackenzie Ltd. That follows “absolutely phenomenal” growth in China last year, Andrew Walker, vice president for strategy at the company that pioneered the transformation of the U.S. shale boom into global exports, said in Amsterdam.
China’s LNG consumption leapt 42 percent last year to almost match European imports, which climbed 20 percent. Whereas the Asian nation needs the fuel mostly to replace dirtier coal, Europe needs it to offset rapidly declining domestic production.
The re-emergence of Europe as an LNG market has caught the eye of the coming wave of U.S. fuel producers. Venture Global LNG, Inc., which is developing export terminals in Louisiana, sees Europe as “one of the biggest surprises,” it said at the Flame conference in Amsterdam.
Europe’s location may give it an edge over generally higher-priced markets in Asia when it comes to attracting the increasing volumes produced in the Atlantic. North America and Russia were seen providing most of the new supply from 2025 to 2030, according to a poll at Flame.

Demand growth in China and South Korea, the second and third biggest LNG importers, will cool during the rest of this year after continued expansion through April, according to Cedigaz, a Paris-based industry research group. With less appetite also from Japan, the biggest buyer, northern Europe will step in to balance the markets, Cedigaz’s secretary general Geoffroy Hureau said at Flame.

U.K. supply this summer may be low but the Netherlands will see a pick up as it rushes to offset lower own production and higher demand for storage, Nick Boyes, a senior gas and LNG analyst at Axpo Trading AG, said by email. France will also need more for storage, he said.

The Netherlands is taking the lead also because of lack of storage demand in Britain after the closure of the Rough facility. The Dutch market is so hot that the country’s Title Transfer Facility hub will be the main reference for LNG trading in the next three to four months, Ruben Tomas, lead LNG trader at Germany’s Uniper SE’s commodity unit, said on a panel.

“We see a well-supplied Atlantic Basin this summer” as Russia’s Yamal LNG and U.S. projects fill the market with cargoes, Axpo’s Boyes said. Trinidad & Tobago and Angola are also boosting supply, while demand in southern Europe and Egypt is declining, he said.

While the usage rate of LNG terminals in Europe was just 23 percent last year, things are looking up, according to Arturo Gallego Diaz, head of LNG trading and operations at Centrica Plc.

“There are more and more people looking at northwest Europe as an opportunity to deliver volumes that are produced in the Atlantic basin,” he said.

Declining production in the North Sea and the Dutch Groningen field as well as the closing of coal plants in Europe have a “big impact on LNG production” and are “a very big demand surprise,” Venture Global LNG Chief Commercial Officer Tom Earl said at Flame. The company recently signed a supply contract with Portugal’s Galp Energia SGPS SA.

‘Fairly Stable’

Creditworthy counterparts, liquid hubs and physical demand help make Europe attractive for LNG, according to Gallego Diaz.

Uniper expects “fairly stable” demand for gas in Europe, while seeing growth in gas-to-power and potentially transport, said Gregor Pett, executive vice president for market analytics.

Russia, Europe’s biggest gas supplier, sees higher demand for its pipeline gas, undermining the region’s efforts at diversification, according to Sergei Komlev, head of the contract structuring and price formation directorate at Gazprom PJSC’s export unit.

While Russia will continue to pipe natural gas to Europe in competition with LNG, both can co-exist, the Centrica and Uniper executives said.

“I don’t think they exclude each other,” Uniper’s Pett said. “Everyone has a place.”

Higher oil prices offer ‘temporary relief’ to Mena exporters: IIF

Higher oil prices offer “temporary” relief to the oil exporters of the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) whose economic prospects are improving, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the Washington-based economic think tank.

Oil prices rose rapidly in the past six months on unanticipated sharp output fall in Venezuela, the extension of the producers’ pact on production cuts to the 2018- end, the escalation of tensions in the Mena, which enhanced risks of oil supply disruption; and higher global oil demand.  We have revised upward our average Brent oil price assumption to $72 per barrel for 2018 (33% increase form 2017),” IIF said.

With the projected $18 increase in average oil prices in 2018 against last year, it expects the cumulative current account surplus for the nine Mena oil exporters (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Algeria, Iraq and Iran) to increase from $56bn in 2017 to $233bn (9.5% of gross domestic product) in 2018. “The fiscal situation for Mena oil exporters (except Bahrain and Oman) is now on firmer footing. The respective authorities in the region have implemented serious fiscal adjustment in recent years,” it said. 

Higher oil prices, combined with additional non-hydrocarbon revenue, should more than offset the 7% average increase in public spending, leading to narrower deficits (excluding investment income), according to the IIF. “We expect the consolidated fiscal deficit for the nine Mena oil exporters to decrease from 7.5% of GDP in 2017 to 3% in 2018,” it said, adding when included investment incomes, which are very large in Kuwait, the UAE and Qatar, the cumulative deficit will be much smaller.

Highlighting that gross public foreign assets will resume its rise to $2.9trn by end-2018; it said about 70% of these assets are in the form of sovereign wealth funds. With relatively little public external debt, the region’s net public external assets position of $2.6bn (108% of GDP) is substantial, the report added. Expecting non hydrocarbon growth to accelerate from 2.3% in 2017 to 2.8% in 2018 (still well below the average growth of 6.2% in 2001-2014); IIF said the growth pickup will be supported by the shift to fiscal expansion following three years of consolidation. A tighter monetary stance in the six GCC countries and Iraq, whose currencies are pegged to the US dollar, could offset some of the gains from expansionary fiscal stances. “We expect a cumulative increase of 100 bps in key policy rates, in line with the four Fed hikes of 25 bps each,” it said.


UK could face court action over air pollution after EU warning: ‘We can delay no more’

Proposals made on Tuesday are ‘not substantial enough to change the big picture’

Nine European countries including the UK could face legal action if they fail to make progress on reducing air pollution, the EU’s top environment official has warned.

The intervention came as legal air pollution limits for the whole year were reached within a month in London.

Brixton Road, Lambeth, has seen levels of pollutant nitrogen dioxide exceed average hourly limits 18 times so far this year, the maximum allowed under European Union air quality rules.

Inaction by national governments over the issue prompted the European Commission’s environment commissioner, Karmenu Vella, to warn of legal action after talks with ministers from nine EU countries including Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy – all of which regularly flout the bloc’s air quality standards.

“Every year, an astonishing number of citizens’ lives are cut short because of air pollution,” Mr Vella said.

“We have known this for decades, and the air quality limit values have been in place for almost as long.

“And yet, still today, in 2018, 400 000 people are still dying prematurely every year because of a massive, widespread failure to address the problem.”

He continued: “The deadlines for meeting the legal obligations have long elapsed… we can delay no more.”

Poor air quality caused by vehicle emissions, industry, power plants and agriculture is known to cause or exacerbate asthma and other respiratory problems.

Air pollution also has significant economic impacts, increasing healthcare costs, reducing employees’ productivity and damaging crops, soil, forests and rivers, according to the European Environment Agency’s latest annual report.

It has taken the London longer to reach the air pollution limit this year than last year when legal levels were breached less than a week into the new year.

But while campaigners welcomed action by London Mayor Sadiq Khan to tackle pollution, they warned the relative delay in reaching the limit this year could be down to weather conditions dispersing the dirty air.

Environmental groups called for the Government to take urgent steps, including creating and funding clean air zones in pollution hotspots across the UK where 85% of areas still break air quality rules which should have been achieved in 2010.

Government estimates suggest compliance for levels of nitrogen dioxide, much of which comes from road transport, particularly diesel, will not be met until 2026.

The most recent data shows that around 7 per cent of the urban population within the EU was exposed to fine particulate levels higher than the EU-stipulated limit in 2015.

If the stricter World Health Organisation limits are applied, that rises sharply to 82 per cent.

The countries represented at Tuesday’s summit have been given ten days to submit new proposals for meeting EU air quality standards regarding particle levels.

In Mr Vella’s opinion, the proposals offered by the nine offending countries were “not substantial enough to change the big picture”.

He insisted that the only way to avoid court action was to take “all possible measures without delay”.

Reacting to the outcome of the summit, ClientEarth lawyer Ugo Taddei said: “Commissioner Vella was evidently unimpressed.

“The European Commission should now follow this blatant inaction through to its legal consequences and trigger court actions without further delay.

“The people of Europe have waited long enough to breathe clean air.”

EU Commission warns members it will get tough on pollution

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Commission said on Tuesday it would get tough on air quality and penalize members that breached EU rules on pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and particulate matter.

The Commission estimates that 400,000 people die every year as the result of airborne pollution, and targets introduced for 2005 and 2010 are still being exceeded in 23 of 28 EU countries.

After a meeting with the environment ministers of nine countries which face legal action because of air quality problems, including the bloc’s largest economies Germany and France, EU Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella said his patience was running thin.

“The deadlines for meeting the legal obligations have long elapsed, and some say we have waited already too long, but we can delay no more, and I have made this very clear to ministers this morning,” Vella told a news conference.

He added that while countries had made some suggestions during the meeting, air quality standards would still be breached well beyond 2020 unless new measures were taken.

“In our exchange, there were some positive suggestions, but I have to say that at first sight, these were not substantial enough to change the bigger picture,” Vella said, adding members had until next week to improve on their proposals.

The EU Commission can take countries to Europe’s top court if they breach EU law. Poland as well as Bulgaria have already faced legal action over air quality issues.

Rethink Gas for the Future EU

The degree to which Europe increases its use of gas will depend on the regulations put in place, on the efficiency of the emissions trading system and on the ability to prove the benefits brought by its use

This year Europe is facing a real winter, and many European households keep themselves warm with natural gas. Gas consumption in power generation is also growing and is a strong backup for the increasing levels of intermittent renewable energy. All told, more then a fifth of energy consumption in the EU comes from the use of gas. According to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) gas demand in 2016 rose by 7 percent compared to 2015, reaching 4962 TWh (terawatt hours). Gas is a cost-effective part of Europe’s energy mix, as the global market is well supplied and prices remain competitive with other fuels. The International Energy Agency (IEA) in its “Global Gas Security Review 2017” notes that natural gas is the cleanest and least carbon intensive fossil fuel and that it is expected to play a key role in the transition to a cleaner and more flexible energy system. In its World Energy Outlook’s central scenario, the IEA anticipates that natural gas will be the only fossil fuel that will maintain its share in the energy mix in the coming decades. The EU is an integral part of an increasingly globally interconnected gas market, but its own production, while significant, in 2016 supplied only 27 percent of demand, with a resultant huge reliance on both pipeline and LNG importation.

An efficient and liberalized interconnection
A clear asset of the European gas industry is its infrastructure network. Gas pipelines, distribution networks, LNG import terminals and underground storage provides necessary flexibility to the European energy system’s variable seasonal demand. After 30 years of progressive liberalization an interconnected gas market has emerged and continues to develop in the EU. A good indicator of this is the fact that 75 percent of its gas is priced to within EUR1/MWh of the gas trading hub in the Netherlands. Also significant gas flow fluctuations are accommodated smoothly, and that results in market participants being flexible in their response to changing market fundamentals. Developments in the LNG market, such as new supply routes like the Southern Corridor, additional interconnections in the internal energy market and new focused legislation have fundamentally improved the EU’s supply security. The fact that Russia has increased its market share to 34 percent doesn’t create worries, because this increase is happening in the competitive environment created by the third energy market legislation package. New gas discoveries close to the EU’s borders in the eastern part of Mediterranean and the final investment decisions made for the production from these sites provide an additional guarantee for a secure gas supply. Still the question is asked whether gas is a transition or destination fuel? Some voices are calling for an urgent phase-out of all fossil fuels, including natural gas.

On the positive side, while methane can leak if not properly handled from well to wheel, natural gas is the fossil fuel that emits the least greenhouse gases–about half the CO2 produced by burning coal if properly produced, transported and used. Gas is also well placed to supply back-up to intermittent renewable electricity because of its flexibility and short start-up times. Because of these qualities gas is sometimes referred to as a renewables best friend.

Nevertheless, on the negative side, natural gas is a fossil fuel that emits substantial amounts of greenhouse gases–with the risk that venting, flaring and leaking can more than offset gas advantages. According to Climate Action Tracker, full lifecycle emissions, including the fuel chain and also the manufacturing of energy conversion technology, implies emissions in the range of 410-650 g CO2 eq/kwh for combined cycle plants as the most effective combustion plants.

How to look at this contradiction? From one side, the use of gas leads to good public acceptance, a vibrant internal market and extensive infrastructure, all of which could provide for Europe’s future energy system. From the other side gas leads to greenhouse gas emissions that aren’t consistent with the fight against climate change. Industry wants policymakers to avoid picking winners in the fuel mix and instead focus on setting frameworks for fuels to compete on the basis of the three objectives: sustainability, affordability and security of supply.

Renewables increasingly in focus
Today the EU is clearly focused on the promotion of renewable energy. In 2015, renewable energy contributed 17 percent to total final energy consumption. There are indications that the stated objective of 20 percent of renewable energy in the EU’s energy mix will be reached by 2020. The European Commission in the “Clean energy for all Europeans” legislative package proposes an objective of 27 percent of the renewable energy share in total final energy consumption by 2030. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in February 2018 published a study “Renewable energy prospects for the European Union.” It concludes that the EU could double the share of the renewable energy in the energy mix from 17 percent in 2015 to 34 percent in 2030 with existing technologies if the right enabling framework is established. The study emphasizes that all EU countries have the cost-effective potential to use more renewables and that to achieve this goal a yearly investment of USD 73 billion would be required. But even using all this renewable potential a majority of the energy supply in 2030 will be provided by fossil fuels. IRENA’s model shows that gas will be the most used fossil fuel in 2030, but the presence of coal will still be strong.

The EU, which accounts for about 10 percent of global GHG emissions, is firmly committed to fighting climate change under an ambitious reading and implementation of the Paris Agreement. The target is to cut the EU’s emissions by 80-95 percent by 2050, and that change requires that the EU’s electricity, transport and heating and cooling sectors be carbon free by that time. Achieving such objectives while reusing part of the existing infrastructures and changing much, but not all, of the existing energy system suggests that the strategy has to mobilize all existing assets in the most efficient way possible.

Blue gold as the route to low carbon transition…
Gas offers substantial potential to replace higher carbon emitting fuels to work in partnership with renewables to satisfy energy demand and flexibility needs. Increased electrification will drive some change in the role of gas in the energy mix and increased coordination between power and gas will be required to ensure the most efficient interaction to deliver baseload and peak energy demand.

For a successful future of gas use it is important that carbon pricing and trading are put on the right track. The revision of the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) for the period after 2020 anticipates that sectors covered by the ETS have to reduce their emissions by 43 percent compared to 2005. To this end the overall number of emission allowances will decline at an annual rate of 2.2 percent from 2021 onwards. This is a considerable increase from the existing phase, where an annual decline rate is 1.74 percent. We could expect a considerable increase in carbon prices, accelerating departure of coal use in the EU. Also, for gas as a fossil fuel carbon capture, usage and storage will be important. Demonstrating that all of this could be economically implemented and supported by an appropriate regulatory framework and favorable public opinion is crucial for the long-term future of natural gas use.

An interesting and promising avenue for the future of gas is decarbonization by increased use of renewable (green) gas. Renewable gas–biomethane and hydrogen notably–can be transported in existing gas pipes, even if with some adaptations. This would be at a fraction of the cost to carry the same amount of energy in the form of electrons, a ratio as much as one to ten in favor of gas. There is also clear political support for renewable gas. A good example is the recent announcement by France’s President Emmanuel Macron to support green gas production with a fund of 100 million euros. Macron has also promised to remove some administrative bottlenecks related to this project. Actually France’s energy transition law has a very ambitious target to provide 30 TWh from renewable gas in final energy consumption by 2030. Some experts believe that with appropriate support, the ambition could be even greater.

The EU has some experience in producing and using biomethane and hydrogen, but it is fair to say that there is a long way to go before renewable gas becomes a significant part of the energy mix, as volumes of biogas and biomethane have been very modest. In 2015 EU member countries–most notably the northwestern countries–produced biogas equivalent to less than 20 bcm of natural gas, thereby covering a mere 4 percent of total EU demand for gas. Only in Germany, which accounts for half of total EU production, can this be considered a significant resource at this stage. For reasons of cost and technical constraints, only a small part of the gas thereby produced has been injected into the natural gas grid, most of it being used to produce heat and power locally. To understand how ambitious objectives could be in the years to come, one must consider a variety of bottlenecks in the production, transport, storage and application of renewable gas.

… And the near future is in biogas
To start with what already works, sufficient knowledge and techniques are presently available to produce biogas from landfills and sewage mostly using anaerobic digestion technology. CO2 needs to be removed from produced biogas and other purification must be carried out to get biomethane that meets the necessary standards to be injected into the natural gas grid. Such upgrading is, of course, costlier if applied to the relatively small volumes available from given farm or landfill. The gasification of woody biomass could produce higher volumes and help scale up installations, but so far such technology is still used only in pilot projects.

A lot of expectations are put on producing renewable gas from renewable electricity. The surplus of intermittent solar and/or wind energy could be stored in the form of hydrogen by running at least part of such surplus through electrolyzers. Today, such a surplus translates into negative prices in the wholesale power market. Doing so on a large scale is being considered in connection with large North Sea offshore-wind projects. Breakthroughs are still needed, however, in power-to-gas technologies, as electrolyzers able to work intermittently are presently costlier to build and operate. The significant capital costs also need to be spread over enough hours and days of operation to make the per gas-unit cost acceptable.

Renewable gas could be transported by trucks, dedicated pipelines and the EU-wide natural gas grid. It would be especially convenient to use the existing grid for transporting renewable gas. Hydrogen can be injected into the natural gas grid, but it influences combustion behavior and materials integrity, which sets limits. Also, a higher flow rate is required to meet demand, because hydrogen’s volumetric energy density is substantially lower than natural gas. As for biomethane, its injection is less constrained than that of hydrogen, provided that gas quality checks have been carried out. Today each EU country has established its own limitations, and regulations related to injections of hydrogen can differ widely even between neighboring coun-tries. Challenges also exist when one envisions the storage of significant volumes of renewable gas, notably hydrogen. Methanization can then appear as an attractive alternative, as hydrogen can also be turned into methane when combined with CO2, and this does away with technical constraints regarding transport and use. The challenge then arises as to which sources of CO2 would be acceptable and/or preferable to produce biomethane.

Biomethane could substitute natural gas in almost every sector and application. In industry, renewable gas could serve both as an energy source and a feedstock. It could be used for residential sector heating. By contrast, hydrogen today is used mostly in industry. A hydrogen-driven economy will therefore require a more pro-found transformation. In mobility the potential use of renewable gas is substantial with the exception of air transport. While some countries have developed very significant fleets of gas-powered vehicles, in many others use of renewable gas in transport is hampered by the lack of refueling infrastructure. The interesting breakthrough for the use of renewable gas could come with decreasing costs for hydrogen fuel cells vehicles.

The decarbonization of the gas sector could develop step by step. In this respect certificates, whether Guarantee of Origin (GoOs) certificates for green gases or CO2 certificates used as offsets could play a role in facilitating acceptance and lowering costs. Altogether, it is correct to say that measures to promote renewable gas are relevant to all elements of the gas value chain.

A key role in Europe’s energy economy
Gas–both natural and renewable– clearly has a place in Europe’s future energy economy. The part of it in the EU’s energy mix will depend on political frameworks put in place, from the efficiency of an improved emission trading system and from the gas industry demonstrating the benefits of gas use in decarbonized energy system. It is difficult to speculate about the part of gas in the EU’s energy mix by 2050. We could try to extrapolate the results of the aforementioned study by IRENA: “Renewable energy prospects in the European Union.” At the level of 27 percent in the EU’s energy mix by 2030, fossil fuels will have a share of 62 percent. The part of natural gas from this share is roughly 40 percent and that would mean 25 percent for natural gas in the energy mix. Renewable gas could grow in the period to 2030 to 8-12 percent from the current 4 percent level of natural gas consumption. With the growth of the renewable component of the energy mix, fossil fuels will decline, but the part of natural gas in the fossil fuels is increasing. All this could bring an increased share of gas in the EU’s energy mix.

Andris Piebalgs
Politician and diplomat, he is a councilor of the President of Latvia and he was European Commissioner for Energy (Barroso I) and for Development (Barroso II). He was also a minister of Finance and Public Education of Latvia, in addition Chairman of the commission for the budget and finances of Parliament. Finally, he was a Latvian ambassador at the EU.

Qatar welcomes Maronite Patriarch with open arms

Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rahi has wrapped up a visit to Qatar aimed at serving the spiritual needs of Christian expatriates working in the country, addressing temporal issues relating to the Lebanese community there, and increasing the number of Qatari visitors to Lebanon.

One of the highlights came when Rahi laid the foundation stone for what will be Mar Charbel Church, the first Maronite church in a Gulf Cooperation Council country. The new facility will be built within the Religious Complex in Doha’s Abu Hamour district, which houses places of worship for several Christian denominations, including Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and Greek Orthodox.

Rahi, who serves as a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and whose official title is Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, led a delegation that included Archbishop Francisco Montecillo Padilla, Apostolic Nuncio to Qatar and four other Gulf countries; Bishop Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia; and Archbishop Samir Mazloum, and Archbishops Mazloum and Sayyah, Emeritus Curial Bishop of Antioch and Fr. Charbel Mhanna, Patriarchal Envoy for the Maronites in Qatar.

The patriarch was warmly received by numerous senior officials, chief among them the Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani; the Prime Minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani; the Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdel-Rahman al-Thani; and the Minister of Environment and Municipalities, Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Rumaihi. The delegation was accompanied to these meetings by businessman Roudi Baroudi, a prominent member of the Lebanese business community in Doha.

At each stop, Qatari leaders expressed their gratitude and their respect for Lebanese expatriates, who have been instrumental in diluting the impact of efforts by Saudi Arabia and certain other countries to strangle Qatar’s economy since mid-2017. Many Lebanese of all faiths have even put off plans to return to their homeland, standing shoulder to shoulder with their hosts to help Qatar maintain strong growth despite the resulting pressures.

Rahi, who was making his third visit to Doha since becoming Patriarch in 2011, also addressed practical considerations in order to strengthen the Qatari-Lebanese relationship, including a streamlining of the processes by which Lebanese expatriates obtain residency and other status documents in Qatar. He also called for a lifting of the travel advisory that Doha has had in place for Lebanon since November 2017, when Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned under highly suspicious circumstances while visiting Saudi Arabia in November 2017.

النزاع البحري – النفطي بين لبنان وإسرائيل مستمر… فهل يتم اللجوء إلى محكمة العدل الدولية؟

تعقّدت الجهود الديبلوماسية على صعيد الازمة النفطية اللبنانية – الاسرائيلية نتيجة عوامل عدة تعيق السبل المعتادة لتسوية أي نزاع، خصوصاً من جهة لبنان الذي عليه درس خطواته جيّداً إذا أراد حماية حقوقة وتجنّب التصعيد.

يؤدي غياب العلاقات الديبلوماسية إلى تفاقم النزاعات حول الموارد البحرية، والخلاف ليس حول درجة امتداد الحدود الجنوبية للمنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة للبنان على طول الساحل فقط، بل حول مكان هذه الحدود الساحلية تماماً، في الوقت الذي صادق فيه لبنان على الاتفاق الدولي الأوّلي حول ترسيم الحدود البحرية واتفاق الأمم المتحدة لقانون البحار 1982، فإن إسرائيل لم توقّع. لذلك، لا توجد آلية ملزِمة، يمكن لأيّ من الطرفين حلّ النزاع البحري تحت سقفها، من دون موافقة الطرف الآخر. ولكن وبحسب الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Energy and Environment Holding والخبير في شؤون النفط والغاز رودي بارودي، بما أن إسرائيل وقّعت اتفاق المنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة مع قبرص، فللبنان خيارات عديدة على هذا الصعيد. بالتالي يمكنه الاحتجاج ضدّ قبرص على أساس أن هذا الاتفاق بينها وبين إسرائيل يحكم مسبقاً ترسيم حدود لبنان. ولكن يبدو هذا الخيار مستبعداً بسبب زعزعة العلاقات بين البلدين، من هنا، يمكن لبنان أن يدعو قبرص للانضمام إليه في سعيه للتسوية وفق المادة 284 من اتفاق الأمم المتحدة لقانون البحار، بهدف حلّ النزاع اللبناني- الإسرائيلي الناتج من اتفاق ترسيم الحدود الاقتصادية الخالصة الإسرائيلية – القبرصية. وبحسب بارودي، قد ترفض قبرص هذه المقاربة، لكن معرفة الموقف القبرصي يستحقّ البحث بها، وفي حال لم تعترض، فقد يبرهن هذا النوع من المقاربات التزام لبنان تجاه واجبه الذي يملي عليه حلّ النزاعات تحت ميثاق الأمم المتحدة.

من غير المرجّح أن يحيل لبنان أو إسرائيل نزاعهما حول الحدود البحرية على محكمة العدل الدولية تخوّفاً من أن تتحوّل هذه الخطوة إلى سابقة قانونية أو سياسية أو ديبلوماسية. وإذا كان النزاع اللبناني – الإسرائيلي سيحال على المحكمة الدولية لقانون البحار، او محكمة العدل الدولية أو أي هيئة قانونية أخرى ، فيجب على هذه الهيئة أن تبني قرارها على مجموعة قوانين تتضمّن حُكماً ما يُعرف بالقانون الدولي العرفي، الذي لم يوافق على مجمله لبنان وإسرائيل. فلطالما اتّبعت إسرائيل سياسة الابتعاد من الاتفاقات المتعدّدة الطرف التي تفترض قبولها بأي قانون والذي قد يعرّض احتلالها وسياساتها الإستيطانية للخطر. أما بيروت، فلا تمانع في إبرام الاتفاقات متعددة الطرف التي تلزمها تطبيق معايير محدّدة، طالما لا تملي عليها الاعتراف بإسرائيل أو تُخضع حدود لبنان للتحقيق من محكمة العدل الدولية، التي تُصدر أحكاماً نهائية لا يمكن الطعن بها. ويؤكد بارودي ضرورة ضبط النفس والحوار غير المباشر، وإضافةً إلى جهود الأمم المتحدة والولايات المتحدة، إن تدخّل شركة “توتال” Total الفرنسية و”إيني” ENI الإيطالية و”نوفاتيك” Novatek الروسية، في المنطقة يعني أنّ كلّاً من هذه الدول، إلى جانب الإتحاد الأوروبي ككلّ، له مصلحة مكتسبة في استخدام مكاتبه للوساطة والوصول إلى تفاهم قد يضع البلوك رقم 9، الذي يُعتبر حتى الآن من أكثر المناطق الواعدة، قيد التنقيب، على أقلّ تقدير. وبهدف الاستمرار في إظهار حسن موقفه على الصعيد الدولي، يمكن لبنان أن يستعين بقرار مجلس الأمن 1701، حيث تعطي الفقرة 10 من القرار، الحق في الطلب من الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة اقتراح ترسيم الحدود اللبنانية – الإسرائيلية. وبالفعل، طالبت بيروت بتدخّل الأمين العام، ما قد يخدم قضيّتها وحتى ولو لم تُثمر هذه الجهود، فإنها ستساهم في التأثير إيجابياً على التوترات وتسليط الضوء على دور لبنان في السعي نحو حلّ النزاع سلمياً.

بارودي:التوصل الى اتفاق تفاوضي بشأن البلوك 9 قد يعني نصرا اكبر بكثير للبنان

شدد الخبير النفطي الدولي رودي بارودي على “أن التوصل الى اتفاق تفاوضي جيد من خلال وساطة أو تحكيم طرف ثالث، قد يعني نصرا اكبر بكثير للبنان بدل إسرائيل في النزاع الحاصل حول النفط والغاز في البحر”.

واكد بارودي الذي شارك في مؤتمرات دولية عدة آخرها في قبرص “أن هناك عوامل أخرى تبشر بالخير بالنسبة إلى الآفاق القانونية اللبنانية القصيرة والطويلة المدى، بما في ذلك حقيقة أن الجزء من البلوك 9 الذي تهتم به توتال وآني ونوفاتيك، يكمن بوضوح في المياه اللبنانية، وهذا يترك مجالا واسعا لحل وسط وقصير الاجل، على الأقل يسمح بالاستكشاف في المناطق غير الخاضعة للنزاع مع ترك أسئلة اكثر صعوبة في وقت لاحق”.

ولفت بارودي الى “أن نوعية المعلومات التي قدمها لبنان إلى الأمم المتحدة والأطراف الأخرى المهتمة تعطي اهمية كبيرة لموقفه وبأكثر من طريقة”.

الخبيير النفطي بارودي:التوصل الى اتفاق تفاوضي بشأن البلوك 9 من خلال وساطة أو تحكيم طرف ثالث قد يعني نصرا اكبر بكثير للبنان

شدد الخبير النفطي الدولي رودي بارودي على “أن التوصل الى اتفاق تفاوضي جيد من خلال وساطة أو تحكيم طرف ثالث، قد يعني نصرا اكبر بكثير للبنان بدل إسرائيل في النزاع الحاصل حول النفط والغاز في البحر”.

واكد بارودي الذي شارك في مؤتمرات دولية عدة آخرها في قبرص “أن هناك عوامل أخرى تبشر بالخير بالنسبة إلى الآفاق القانونية اللبنانية القصيرة والطويلة المدى، بما في ذلك حقيقة أن الجزء من البلوك 9 الذي تهتم به توتال وآني ونوفاتيك، يكمن بوضوح في المياه اللبنانية، وهذا يترك مجالا واسعا لحل وسط وقصير الاجل، على الأقل يسمح بالاستكشاف في المناطق غير الخاضعة للنزاع مع ترك أسئلة اكثر صعوبة في وقت لاحق”.

ولفت بارودي الى “أن نوعية المعلومات التي قدمها لبنان إلى الأمم المتحدة والأطراف الأخرى المهتمة تعطي اهمية كبيرة لموقفها وبأكثر من طريقة”.

وأضاف بارودي “ان الجانب اللبناني استخدم الرسوم البيانية للهندسة البحرية البريطانية الأصلية كنقطة انطلاق للحدود الجنوبية لمنطقتها الاقتصادية الخالصة، ما يضفي صدقيةً اكبر على معارضتها”.

واوضح الخبير النفطي “أن لبنان وقع وصادق على الاتفاقية الدولية الاساسية في شأن ترسيم الحدود البحرية عام 82، إلا أن إسرائيل لم تفعل ذلك، وبناء على ذلك فإنه لا توجد آلية ملزمة يمكن بموجبها لأيٍ من لبنان وإسرائيل ان تحيل الحدود البحرية إليها من أجل حلّها، من دون موافقة صريحة من الجانب الآخ”ر.

ولفت بارودي إلى انه “بما ان اسرائيل وقعت اتفاقية منطقة اقتصادية حصرية مع قبرص فإن لدى لبنان خيارات على هذا المستوى”.

وتحدث بارودي عن “الجهود الديبلوماسية المعقدة بسبب العديد من العوامل التي تعيق طرق حل النزاع، خصوصا أن لا علاقات ديبلوماسية بين لبنان وإسرائيل”.

وشرح الخبير النفطي الدولي تحفظات لبنان في ما يتعلق بتعيين محكمة العدل الدولية أو اي طرف ثالث لحل النزاع الحدودي البحري ذات شقين:

أولا: المخاوف من أن تسعى إسرائيل لتشريع اي اتفاق لإحالة النزاع البحري الى محكمة العدل الدولية او اي محكمة اخرى بعد موافقة لبنان على إخضاع كل القضايا الحدودية لحل هذه الهيئة.

ثانيا: القلق من أن اي اتفاق مباشر مع إسرائيل على طلب مشاركة طرف ثالث على النزاع، يمكن اعتباره اعترافا بحكم الواقع وبحكم القانون لإسرائيل.

وأضاف بارودي: “إن هناك عناصر معينة تجعل النزاع اللبناني الإسرائيلي مزيدا من بعض النواحي، لكن الظروف العامة في هذه الحالة ليست عادية”، شارحا أن “كل ولاية ساحلية على كوكب الارض لديها منطقة بحرية واحدة على الاقل تتداخل مع منطقة أخرى، ولا يزال العديد من هذه النزاعات من دون حل”.

وأشار إلى ان “العديد من المعاهدات البحرية الثنائية التي تم التوصل اليها، تعارضها البلدان المجاورة ذات المناطق المتداخلة، كما هو الحال مع معارضة لبنان للاتفاق الاسرائيلي-القبرصي”.

رودي بارودي: اتفاق تفاوضي جيد من خلال وساطة أو تحكيم طرف ثالث قد يعني نصراً اكبر بكثير للبنان

شدد الخبير النفطي الدولي رودي بارودي على أن التوصل الى اتفاق تفاوضي جيد من خلال وساطة أو تحكيم طرف ثالث ، قد يعني نصراً اكبر بكثير للبنان بدل إسرائيل في النزاع الحاصل حول النفط والغاز في البحر.

واكد بارودي الذي شارك في مؤتمرات دولية عدة آخرها في قبرص ، أن هناك عوامل أخرى تبشر بالخير بالنسبة إلى الآفاق القانونية اللبنانية القصيرة والطويلة المدى، بما في ذلك حقيقة أن الجزء من البلوك 9 الذي تهتم به توتال وآني ونوفاتيك ، يكمن بوضوح في المياه اللبنانية ، وهذا يترك مجالاً واسعاً لحل وسط وقصير الاجل، على الأقل يسمح بالاستكشاف في المناطق غير الخاضعة للنزاع مع ترك أسئلة اكثر صعوبة في وقت لاحق.

ولفت بارودي الى أن نوعية المعلومات التي قدّمها لبنان إلى الأمم المتحدة والأطراف الأخرى المهتمة تعطي اهمية كبيرة لموقفها وبأكثر من طريقة وأضاف بارودي إن الجانب اللبناني استخدم الرسوم البيانية للهندسة البحرية البريطانية الأصلية كنقطة انطلاق للحدود الجنوبية لمنطقتها الاقتصادية الخالصة، ما يضفي صدقيّةً اكبر على معارضتها.

واوضح الخبير النفطي أن لبنان وقع وصادق على الاتفاقية الدولية الاساسية في شأن ترسيم الحدود البحرية عام 82 ، إلا أن إسرائيل لم تفعل ذلك ، وبناء على ذلك فإنه لا توجد آلية ملزمة يمكن بموجبها لأيٍ من لبنان وإسرائيل ان تحيل الحدود البحرية إليها من أجل حلّها ، من دون موافقة صريحة من الجانب الآخر.

ولفت بارودي إلى انه بما ان اسرائيل وقعت اتفاقية منطقة اقتصادية حصرية مع قبرص فإن لدى لبنان خيارات على هذا المستوى.
وتحدث بارودي عن الجهود الديبلوماسية المعقدة بسبب العديد من العوامل التي تعيق طرق حل النزاع، خصوصاً أن لا علاقات ديبلوماسية بين لبنان وإسرائيل.

وشرح الخبير النفطي الدولي أن تحفظات لبنان في ما يتعلق بتعيين محكمة العدل الدولية أو اي طرف ثالث لحل النزاع الحدودي البحري ذات شقين:

أولاً: المخاوف من أن تسعى إسرائيل لتشريع اي اتفاق لإحالة النزاع البحري الى محكمة العدل الدولية او اي محكمة اخرى بعد موافقة لبنان على إخضاع كل القضايا الحدودية لحل هذه الهيئة.
ثانيا: القلق من أن اي اتفاق مباشر مع إسرائيل على طلب مشاركة طرف ثالث على النزاع ، يمكن اعتباره اعترافاً بحكم الواقع وبحكم القانون لإسرائيل.

وأضاف بارودي: إن هناك عناصر معينة تجعل النزاع اللبناني الإسرائيلي مزيداً من بعض النواحي ، لكن الظروف العامة في هذه الحالة ليست عادية ، وشرح أن كل ولاية ساحلية على كوكب الارض لديها منطقة بحرية واحدة على الاقل تتداخل مع منطقة أخرى ، ولا يزال العديد من هذه النزاعات من دون حل.

وأشار إلى ان العديد من المعاهدات البحرية الثنائية التي تم التوصل اليها ، تعارضها البلدان المجاورة ذات المناطق المتداخلة، كما هو الحال مع معارضة لبنان للإتفاق الاسرائيلي-القبرصي.