EBRD to help Lebanon’s solar plus storage tenders
The nation has plans for two ambitious renewable energy tenders but the procurement process is dragging and Lebanese institutions lack experience in designing such schemes. A solution will be provided by Europe.
Lebanon has plans for renewable energy tenders including a procurement exercise for three 100 MW solar plus storage projects, for which it has received 75 expressions of interest.
pv magazine has previously outlined the process of the tender – which is being managed by Lebanon’s Ministry of Energy and Water – which will see the Lebanese authorities review the expressions of interest before publishing a call for project proposals.
In the meantime, Lebanon’s institutions have been seeking advice on best practice regarding the proposals call, and discussed the matter at the Beirut Energy Forum in September.
The process has been slow and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has offered a solution.
The EBRD announced it “is intending to engage a consultant to provide support to the Lebanese authorities for the successful implementation of renewable energy auctions”.
The selected consultancy will provide technical, financial and legal assistance for the solar plus storage tender and an on-shore wind exercise. The consultant will be selected competitively and it is hoped will start a 30-month contract in June. That timeframe provides a schedule for the tendering of Lebanon’s solar plus storage projects.
Financing for the consultancy work, which it is estimated will cost around €1.75 million plus VAT, will be covered by EBRD donor funds.
Interested consultants should file their applications no later than 5pm (GMT) on Wednesday, April 24.
This article was amended on 09/04/19 to reflect the consultancy services are expected to be worth around €1.75 million, not €750,000, as previously stated.