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 خاص – “أخبار اليوم”

منذ نحو عشر سنوات توقفت وزارة الطاقة عن منح التراخيص لشركات الرقابة على بواخر الفيول والمحروقات، ليستقر العدد على سبع شركات التي تقوم بعملها بشكل دوري لجهة اخذ العينات من حمولة البواخر واجراء الفحوصات المخبرية اللازمة تطبيقا للقانون الساري المفعول…

ولكن الجديد على هذا المستوى هو الترخيص الذي منحه وزير الطاقة وليد فياض في الاسابيع الاخيرة لشركة جديدة ليرتفع العدد الى 8 بحسب ما كشف مصدر مطلع لوكالة “أخبار اليوم”.

وفي التفاصيل، اشار المصدر الى ان وزير الطاقة عمل على توقيع هذا الترخيص قبل بلوغ مديرة عام النفط في وزارة الطاقة والمياه أورور فغالي السن القانونية، وإحالتها إلى التقاعد الشهر الفائت، كاشفا ان انطوان الفرد دوره (الذي ترشح الى الانتخابات النيابية في طرابلس على اللائحة المدعومة من التيار الوطني الحر ولم يفز) حصل عليه دون ان يمرّ الملف بالاجراءات التقنية ومطابقة كل الشروط الواجب توفرها.

وهنا تحدث المصدر عن ابرز الشروط التي يجب الالتزام بها:

– ان يكون لدى الشركة خبرة تتجاوز العشر سنوات،

– الالتزام بالمذكرة رقم 3 التي تنص على ضرورة ان تكون الشركة المحلية منضمة الى “شركة امّ عالمية” التي تغطي كل اعمال الشركة العاملة في لبنان اكان على المستوى التقني او اللوجستي، ما يكسبها الصدقية.

وهنا سأل المصدر: هل ان الشركة الجديدة تتمتع بالخبرة المطلوبة؟ كما انه حتى اللحظة لم نعرف من هي الشركة الام التابعة لها، حيث لم يحدد الامر في بياناتها.

وفي سياق متصل ذكّر المصدر بدراسة اجرتها وزارة الطاقة منذ نحو خمس سنوات تبين فيها ان السوق لا يحتمل شركة ثامنة، قائلا: اليوم السوق في تراجع نظرا الى الازمة الاقتصادية التي يعاني منها البلد، الامر الذي سيؤدي الى تسريح موظفين من الشركات السبعة.

وامام هذا الواقع، لفت المصدر الى ان اصحاب الشركات السبعة وجدوا خللا، واجتمعوا مع احد وزراء الطاقة السابقين من اجل استيضاح الامر وعبروا عن اعتراضهم على هذا التجاوز، كما طالبوا بان يتم تصنيف الشركة وتحديد حصة كل واحدة منها من رقابة البواخر وفق تراتبية الاقدمية.

الى ذلك، اوضح المصدر ان دوره  يملك وكالة بحرية، (تعمل على تخليص المعاملات ودفع الرسوم) وبالتالي اي ترخيص رقابي له سيؤدي الى تداخل المصالح.


وختم سائلا: هل ما حصل هو استعمال النفوذ، هل هذه الرقابة هي رشوة غير مباشرة من قبل مرجع سياسي؟

QatarEnergy wins working interest in new Brazilian offshore exploration block

QatarEnergy, in a consortium with TotalEnergies and Petronas, has been awarded the Agua-Marinha Production Sharing Contract (PSC), under the 1st Cycle Permanent Offer round, by Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP).
Under the terms of the PSC and associated agreements, QatarEnergy will hold a 20% working interest, alongside the operator Petrobras (30%), TotalEnergies (30%) and Petronas Petroleo Brasil Ltda (20%).
The Agua-Marinha block has a total area of 1,300sq km and is located in water depths of about 2,000m off the coast of Rio de Janeiro in the prolific Campos Basin.
Commenting on this occasion, HE the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, Saad bin Sherida al-Kaabi, also the president and CEO of QatarEnergy, said: “We are pleased to achieve this latest successful joint-bid, which adds further highly prospective acreage to our upstream portfolio in Brazil, and particularly in the prolific Campos Basin.”
Al-Kaabi added: “We are delighted to achieve this success with our valued partners Petrobras, TotalEnergies, and Petronas. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the ANP and the Brazilian authorities for this opportunity and for their ongoing support.”
The acquisition, which is expected to close in the first half of 2023, further establishes QatarEnergy as one of the leading upstream players in Brazil, where it already holds working interests in two producing fields and numerous exploration blocks.

EU countries agree gas price cap to contain energy crisis

BRUSSELS, Dec 19 (Reuters) – European Union energy ministers on Monday agreed a gas price cap, after weeks of talks on the emergency measure that has split opinion across the bloc as it seeks to tame the energy crisis.

The cap is the 27-country EU’s latest attempt to lower gas prices that have pushed energy bills higher and driven record-high inflation this year after Russia cut off most of its gas deliveries to Europe.

Ministers agreed to trigger a cap if prices exceed 180 euros ($191.11) per megawatt hour for three days on the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) gas hub’s front-month contract, which serves as the European benchmark.

The TTF price must also be 35 eur/MWh higher than a reference price based on existing liquefied natural gas (LNG) price assessments for three days.

“We have succeeded in finding an important agreement that will shield citizens from skyrocketing energy prices,” said Jozef Sikela, industry minister for the Czech Republic, which holds the rotating EU presidency.

The cap can be triggered starting from Feb. 15, 2023. The deal will be formally approved by countries in writing, after which it can enter into force.

Once triggered, trades would not be permitted on the front-month, three-month and front-year TTF contracts at a price more than 35 euros/MWh above the reference LNG price.

This effectively caps the price at which gas can be traded, while allowing the capped level to fluctuate alongside global LNG prices – a system designed to ensure EU countries can still bid at competitive prices for gas in from global markets.

Germany voted to support the deal, despite having raised concerns about the policy’s impact on Europe’s ability to attract gas supplies in price-competitive global markets, three EU officials said.

An EU official told Reuters Germany agreed to the price cap after countries agreed changes to another regulation on speeding up renewable energy permits, and stronger safeguards were added to the cap.

Those safeguards include that the cap will be suspended if the EU faces a gas supply shortage, or if the cap causes a drop in TTF trading, a jump in gas use or a significant increase in gas market participants’ margin calls.

Soaring power and gas prices have rocked energy companies across Europe, forcing utilities and traders to secure extra funds from governments and banks to cover margin call requirements.

Germany’s Uniper (UN01.DE) has booked billions of euros of losses on derivatives, exacerbating a crisis as it rushed to fill the gap left after Russia cut supplies.

Jacob Mandel, senior associate at Aurora Energy Research, said the TTF front-month contract has rarely closed above 180 eur/MWh, noting this has occurred on 64 days in its history. All of those were in 2022.

Two EU officials said only Hungary voted against the price cap.

The Netherlands and Austria abstained. Both had resisted the cap during negotiations, fearing it could disrupt Europe’s energy markets and compromise Europe’s energy security.

Dutch energy minister Rob Jetten said: “Despite progress the last couple of weeks, the market correction mechanism remains potentially unsafe.”

“I remain worried about major disruptions on the European energy market, about the financial implications and, most of all, I am worried about European security of supply,” he added.

The EU proposal has also drawn opposition from some market participants, who have said it could cause financial instability.

The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) (ICE.N), which hosts TTF trading on its Amsterdam exchange, last week said it could move TTF trading to outside of the EU if the bloc capped prices.

On Monday, it said it will assess whether it can continue to operate fair and orderly markets for TTF gas hub trading. For now, ICE TTF markets will continue trading as normal.

The front month TTF gas price closed trading on Monday 9% lower, at 107 euros/MWh, Refinitiv Eikon data showed.

The contract hit a record high of 343 euros in August – a price spike that prompted the EU to move ahead with its price cap.

Italy’s energy authority ARERA expects further increases in gas prices as the winter season kicks in, its President Stefano Besseghini said on Monday.

Meanwhile, Russia’s Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the cap was an attack on market pricing, and unacceptable, Russia’s Interfax news agency reported.

The deal follows months of debate on the idea and two previous emergency meetings that failed to clinch an agreement among EU countries that disagreed on whether a price cap would help or hinder Europe’s attempts to contain the energy crisis.

Roughly 15 countries, including Belgium, Greece and Poland, had demanded a cap below 200 euros/MWh – far lower than the 275 euros/MWh trigger limit originally proposed by the European Commission last month.

Poland’s prime minister said the price cap would end Russia and Gazprom’s ability to distort the market.

“At the recent meetings in Brussels, our majority coalition managed to break the resistance – mainly from Germany,” Mateusz Morawiecki wrote on Twitter. “This means the end of market manipulation by Russia and its company Gazprom.”

Aramco in talks with investors on $110bn Jafurah gas project

Saudi Aramco has started talks with potential backers for its $110bn Jafurah gas development, according to people familiar with the matter, as the oil producer plans to exploit one of the world’s largest unconventional gas fields.
The state-controlled company is seeking equity investors that could help fund the development of midstream and downstream projects at Jafurah in the east of the kingdom, the people said, asking not to be identified as the information is private.
Aramco has reached out to private equity firms and other large funds that invest in infrastructure as part of the plans, which could offer stakes in assets such as carbon capture and storage projects, pipelines and hydrogen plants, the people said.
Investment bank Evercore Inc is advising Aramco on the plans, the people said. Talks are still at an early stage and details of the funding could change, the people said. A representative for Aramco declined to comment, while a spokesperson for Evercore didn’t have an immediate comment.
The war in Ukraine has led to a frantic surge in demand for natural gas, led by European nations that traditionally got their supplies from Russia. This has led to Gulf states embarking on ambitious plans to expand their gas output. Some companies have also look to boost their exposure, with Eni SpA considering a takeover of explorer Neptune Energy Group Ltd, Bloomberg News has reported.
Jafurah is a key part of Saudi Arabia’s strategy to diversify its energy exports beyond oil. The field is estimated to hold 200tn cubic feet of raw gas, and Aramco expects to begin production there in 2025, reaching about 2bn standard cubic feet per day of sales by 2030.
A large portion of the gas produced there will be used to create so-called blue hydrogen, Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman said last year. The process is where emissions associated with hydrogen production are captured and stored in the kingdom, allowing the fuel to then be exported as a clean energy source. The opening up of the Jafurah development to external investors would follow years of efforts to attract foreign capital into Aramco and some of its key assets. After a $30bn initial public offering in 2019, the oil giant sold stakes in units that operate its network of oil and gas pipelines around the kingdom. The deals have raised about $28bn for the company.

Global Star becomes first Nakilat vessel to deliver cargo to Escobar LNG Terminal in Argentina

Nakilat-managed liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier Global Star, with a carrying capacity of 173,400 cubic metres, has become the first Nakilat vessel to deliver cargo to Escobar LNG Terminal in
Argentina. Escobar LNG terminal is located on the Parana River in Argentina. It has the capacity to handle 500mn cubic feet (mcf) of LNG a day and a peak capacity of 600 mcf.

North Field expansion: Recent LNG deals awarded to have positive medium-term impact

Recent LNG deals awarded for Qatar’s North Field gas expansion project will have a positive medium-term impact, facilitating an increase in LNG capacity by almost 65% to 126mn tonnes per year (mtpy) by 2027 from 77 mtpy now. Oxford Economics said in its latest country report. In the two weeks. Qatar secured multiyear supply agreements with China and Germany for LNG output set to be added in the first phase of the project due to be completed In 2026. Qatar’s non-hydrocarbon sector recovery will slow in 2023 after a strong rebound this year, Oxford Economics said. “We see non-oil GDP growth of 7.6% this year, the fastest rate since 2015. The pace will then slow to 3.3% in 2023 as momentum eases once the World Cup concludes. This will still be stronger than the 2.7% expansion in 2021. which followed a decline of 4.7% in 2020,” noted Maya Senussi. senior Middle East economist at Oxford Economics. The non-oil economy surged by 9.7% in Q2, up significantly from 5% in Ql. The latest survey data show momentum has eased from record high levels, but the influx of World Cup fans means non-oil activity should remain resilient at year-end. The latest figures show Qatar’s tourist numbers neared 1.2mn in January-September, almost quadrupling relative to the same period in 2021, thanks to a surge in arrivals from other GCC countries as well as India, the US. and the UK. The World Cup event is estimated to attract more than lmn visitors. This should lift the total number of visitors this year above pre-pandemic levels C2.1mn). The month-long event, which started on November 20, has brought an influx of visitors. supporting activity, despite global headwinds. However, inbound travel to Qatar will decline in 2023. before a rise in regional arrivals spurs a recovery thereafter, the report said. Qatar is the world’s second-largest LNG exporter (after the US). There is also heavy investment in gas-to-liquids, petrochemicals, a gas export pipeline, infrastructure, and tourism. Some $200bn has been spent on infrastructure, partly related to the 2022 football World Cup, and partly to an expanding population and the country’s long-term strategy, the Qatar National Vision 2030. In addition, Qatar Is developing into a significant regional financial and educational centre, Oxford Economics noted.

Trafigura to secure US LNG supply for Germany in US$3Bn deal

Some US$3Bn in US LNG will make its way into the German gas grid as part of a four-year loan deal between the German Government, more than 25 banks including Deutsche Bank and commodities trader Trafigura.

The supply has been agreed based on the loan facility that is partly secured under Germany’s United Financial Loan programme, through the German Export Credit Agency Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft.

The loan has been jointly arranged and underwritten by Deutsche Bank and another unnamed international bank and syndicated to more than 25 banks in a transaction that was, according to Trafigura, “1.6 times oversubscribed”.

“The loan will support a new commitment by Trafigura to deliver substantial volumes of gas into the European gas grid, and ultimately into Germany, over the next four years.

Trafigura will supply the gas to Securing Energy for Europe (SEFE), which was recently recapitalised by the German Government. The first gas delivery took place 1 November 2022 and Trafigura will primarily use existing quantities from its global gas and LNG portfolio to help secure gas supplies to SEFE. The agreement included a review of Trafigura’s environmental, social and governance policies and performance,” a statement from the trader said.

“We are proud to be contributing to Europe’s energy security by supplying this significant volume of gas to Germany backed by our extensive portfolio and long-term US LNG contracts,” said Trafigura head of gas and power trading Richard Holtum.

About 50% of Germany’s natural gas has been supplied by Russia in recent years, and as a result, Germany has enacted emergency energy measures, announcing multiple LNG import terminals, including five based on FSRUs, since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

In April, the German Finance Ministry approved spending €2.94Bn (US$3.09Bn) to fund the FSRUs, with Uniper and RWE signing 10-year charter deals on behalf of the German Government to secure two FSRUs each from Höegh LNG and Dynagas and an additional FSRU coming from US-based Excelerate Energy.

The two Höegh LNG 170,000-m3 FSRUs will be deployed in Germany, one at Wilhelmshaven and another at Brunsbüttel as the country’s first LNG import hubs.

The 5Bn-m3 Höegh LNG FSRU is scheduled to arrive at the turn of the year. However, due to the grid capacities, only about 3.5Bn m3 (about 4% of Germany’s gas requirements) of natural gas per year can then be transported via this pipeline before the construction of a new 55-km pipeline is completed.

Low-cost LNG supplier Qatar to remain in ‘relatively strong competitive position’ : S&P

* Qatar’s revenue stream will be significantly enhanced by North Field expansion, whereby Qatari liquefied natural gas production capacity is expected to increase by 64%

As a low-cost LNG supplier, Qatar will remain in a “relatively strong competitive position” even after 2030, although demand is likely to peak in the mid-2030s, with increasing use of renewables in the energy market having a gradual impact on demand for hydrocarbons, S&P Global noted in its ratings upgrade.
S&P recently raised its long-term sovereign credit rating on Qatar to ‘AA’ from ‘AA-‘, assigned a stable outlook, and affirmed the country’s ‘A-1+’ short-term rating.
In its overview, S&P noted Qatar’s debt interest costs as a share of government revenue have fallen, and therefore it expects them to remain low because the government is repaying maturing debt.
Additionally, the government’s revenue stream will be significantly enhanced by the North Field expansion, whereby Qatari liquefied natural gas production capacity is expected to increase by 64% (by 2027).
“The upgrade reflects structural improvements in the Qatari government’s fiscal position. The government’s strategy of paying off maturing debt, will sustainably reduce debt-servicing costs to below 5% of general government revenue over 2022-2025,” S&P said.
Higher gas production related to the North Field expansion, expected to come onstream from end-2025, should further increase Qatari government revenue.
Qatar remains one of the largest exporters of LNG globally. Between 2025 and 2027, the government plans to increase its LNG production capacity by about 64%, from 77mn tonnes per year to 126mn tpy.
The strategic pivot away from Russian gas, particularly by European economies, suggests there will be a ready market for the additional Qatari gas.
In its forecast, S&P said, “We assume that LNG production levels will be largely flat until 2025, but increase by about 30% over 2026-2027, on the assumption that the full increase in capacity will take some time to be fully utilised.”
S&P said it expects “strong” non-hydrocarbon sector growth as Qatar hosts the FIFA World Cup from November 20 to December 18, which will support an economic expansion of about 5% in 2022.
After the tournament, S&P has forecast real GDP growth will average about 2.5% over 2023-2025 as gas production levels remain broadly stable and non-hydrocarbon sector growth normalises around 4%.
The country’s strong general government net asset position remains a credit strength and it expects it to increase over the period to 2025, supported by investment returns on Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund, Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), assets, and the government’s repayment of maturing external debt.
Averaging about 150% of GDP in 2022-2025, Qatar Government’s large liquid assets provide it with a strong buffer to mitigate the economic effects of external or financial shocks.

QatarEnergy announces hydrocarbon discovery in Brazil’s Sepia field


QatarEnergy Monday announced an oil discovery in the 4-BRSA-1386D-RJS well in Brazil’s world class Sepia oil field, which is located in the prolific Santos Basin in water depths of about 2,000 meters off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

QatarEnergy acquired a working interest in the Sépia Co-Participated Area in December 2021 during the 2nd Transfer-of-Rights Surplus Bidding Round, which was organized and managed by Brazil’s National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). The Area is operated by Petrobras (with a participating interest of about 52 percent) in partnership with TotalEnergies (19.2 percent), QatarEnergy (14.4 percent) and Petronas Petrleo Brasil Ltda (14.4 percent), with Pre Sal Petroleo S.A. (PPSA) as manager. The Sepia shared reservoir is currently producing about 170,000 barrels of oil per day.

Commenting on this occasion, HE the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of QatarEnergy, Saad bin Sherida Al Kaabi, said: “We are encouraged by this discovery, which comes as a result of strategic cooperation with reputable partners in our effort to unlock more global energy resources as part of our comprehensive growth strategy. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate our partners, and l look forward to more future achievements.”

The discovery is significant in that the well penetrated a net oil column, which is one of the thickest ever encountered in Brazil. Partners will continue operations to characterize the conditions of the discovered reservoirs and verify the extent of the discovery by conducting well tests. (QNA)

Golden Pass to procure gas from US market; export-oriented LNG project to start production by end-2024: Al-Kaabi

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